Celebrating 30 Years of Transformative Wins, People and Community

From championing the right to marry to amplifying immigrant voices, Jewish Community Action has spent three decades driving policy change and empowering communities.

Through our work in housing justice, immigrant rights, criminal justice reform, and beyond, we’ve not only transformed systems but also inspired collective action and community building rooted in Jewish values.

Postville Raid

In May 2008, federal immigration agents raided the small town of Postville, IA – separating families and devastating a community. We responded immediately to call for more ethical labor practices and comprehensive immigration reform.

Freedom to Marry

In November 2012, Minnesota voters made history by rejecting a proposed constitutional amendment that sought to ban same-sex marriage in the state.

Leading up to this vote, we proudly stood in solidarity with our LGBTQ+ community, advocating for love, equality, and dignity for all.

Driver’s Licenses For All

We worked alongside our allies and partners in a multi-year effort to pass Driver’s Licenses for All, a law that took effect on October 1, 2023.

This transformative legislation allows anyone to legally apply for a driver’s license regardless of their immigration status.